Michael Vey Book Review

Michael Vey is a 14 year old dude, who is bullied a lot and known as the schools underdog. Being put in lockers and garbage cans has become like a every day thing, but when Jack and his gang tries to embarrass him after school, Michael finally decided to do something about it.

Anger sends electricity pulsing through his body. The powerful voltage shocks the bullies and leaves them screaming in pain.. But the bullies weren’t the only ones to witness his powers. Michael’s crush, Taylor Ridley, a cheerleader at Meridian High, watches the whole thing.

Michael and his mom have tried hard to keep his unusual ability secret. They moved to a small town in Idaho, and Michael’s mom left a good job at a law firm to become a checker at a supermarket. The only other person who knew that Michael was electric is Ostin, his smart, and slightly(a whole lot) weird friend. Taylor who now witnessed his power, changed a lot of things

Michael avoids Taylor’s persistent questions until she reveals that she also has electrical powers. Taylor can’t conduct electricity the way Michael can, but she can reboot people’s brains, making them temporarily forget what they were doing or saying. She can also read minds.

Taylor, Ostin and Michael formed a club called the Electroclan. They discover that Taylor and Michael were born at the same hospital in Pasadena, Calif., within days of each other. Ostin learns that in the 11 days surrounding their births, 59 babies were born at the Pasadena General Hospital, but only 17 survived. The deaths appear to be linked to a malfunctioning piece of hospital equipment that used a new technology called magnetic electron induction (MEI). Elgen Inc. was conducting research on this technology until a technical malfunction suspended the research.

Taylor and Michael are both contacted by a prestigious school called Elgen Academy, located in Pasadena. They have both won a full scholarship. Neither wants to go, but Elgen Inc. won’t take no for an answer. Taylor’s and Michael’s moms are kidnapped. Michael and Ostin are determined to drive to Pasadena to rescue them, but neither of them owns a car. Jack, the bully from school, does, though.

Michael pays Jack and his henchman Wade $300 to drive them to Pasadena. On the way, he discovers that Jack isn’t really a bad guy — just a victim of poor circumstances. When they arrive at the gated school, Jack and Wade volunteer to help Michael and Ostin break in.

Meanwhile, Taylor is living the high life at Elgen Academy. Having recovered from the indignity of her capture, she learns that she has a twin named Tara. Tara is also electric and has lived at Elgen Academy for almost a decade. She can manipulate the emotions of people around her. Taylor and Tara go on a whirlwind shopping trip and spend thousands of dollars on clothes and jewelry at exclusive shops. She also meets Dr. Hatch, the man in charge at Elgen Academy, and the rest of the electric children, called glows.

Hatch convinces Taylor to reboot a singer in the middle of a song. She feels guilty later. When Hatch insists that she reboot a motorcyclist in the middle of a jump, Taylor refuses.

Taylor is tortured and locked in a cell with several other glows who have defied Hatch. Michael and Ostin break into their cell but are immediately captured, as are Jack and Wade. Hatch offers Michael safe passage for his friends and mother in return for his loyalty, but when Michael learns that he will have to electrocute Wade, he rebels. Hatch locks Michael in cell 25, where he is tortured by Tara, who makes him feel constant fear. However, his powers continue to increase daily.

Michael finally escaped with the help of Zeus, a formerly brainwashed glow that he and Tara convince to turn against Hatch. They rescue the guinea pigs (ordinary humans that Hatch has imprisoned in the basement) including Jack and Wade. Michael defeated Nichelle, and Hatch end up escaping in a helicopter with the glows who remain loyal to him. Michael and his friends decided that they were not done yet, and that they were going to follow Hatch and free Michael’s mom. MORE ADVENTURE AWAITS!!!!

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