My Career lies Ahead


Career path:

  • Navy seal
  • Surgeon
  • Petroleum engineer (back up)

Middle School

  • Researched career
    • Navy seal
    • Surgeon/ Doctor
    • Mechanical engineering
    • basketball player
    • Petroleum engineering
  • Clubs
    • math club
    • chess club

High school

  • Volunteer
    • Hospital
    • schools
  • Clubs
    • JROTC
    • Math club
  • Sports
    • Basketball
  • Classes
    • AP classes
    • Algebra 2 Honors
    • Chemistry
    • Language Arts
    • PE (elective)
    • World history
    • French class


Apply for West Point Academy

Learn in the medical field at the academy

retire from military when done with studies and become a surgeon and live a regular life.

Resume: Mackenson J. Jonassaint resume

College Application: Harvard Application


Interview Preparation

  1. Why did you choose this career? Why did you choose this specialty?

     I chose this career because i felt it was the right path to take. I feel the need to help others. Also, science (biology, chemistry, etc…) are my best subject, and so i chose a career that revolves around that subject. I have high expectations of my skills as a general surgeon.

  2. Your professional experience: Tell us about your background as a doctor: education and experience. What are your specialties/ expertise?

    I had experience at Jackson memorial Hospital. I am an A, B student, and completed medical school with a PH.D. Since Middle school, I took advance classes with biology in 8th grade and chemistry in 9th, and passed them with a B or higher.

  3. What unique skills do you possess?

    I can think relatively well and maintain a leveled head in time of emergencies or drastic situations. I am a visual and advanced learner. I can handle the sight and feeling of blood and organs without a weak stomach.

  4. Why are you interested in this hospital/department?

    Just needed a job, but preferred a job in Miami FL where i was raised. Working at your birthplace hospital would make my job a little more comfortable and exciting.

  5. What are you career goals? Is this hospital a proper fit?

    Earn A Degree or Certificate                                                                                                Increase Performance Metrics                                                                                                  Earn a Promotion                                                                                                                    Earn a Management Position                                                                                                get a job                                                                                                                                        Yes it is a proper fit

  6. How do you handle workload stress and emergency situations?

    Stay calm, do something that makes me at ease or relaxes me. In the situation of a workload stress, I try to manege my time and take a break at time.

  7. Why should we hire you?

    I am a hard working trustable person. I have good conduct and  high academics. My skills as a doctor are excellent, including the fact that i am willing to put maximum effort into my work.

  8. What are your weaknesses and strengths?

    I can be lazy at time, but when i do my work expect to see maximum effort. Also, when it comes to hands on work like surgery, expect for the job to be completed with a high performance. Hands on work is something i like to do, so when it  comes to this job, my lust for hands on jobs, my high efforts, and the fact that i am trustable and dependable are my strength. However laziness can be y weakness at times.