The Lost Heir (wings of fire) Book Review

Originally published: January 1, 2013
Followed by: The Hidden Kingdom




The Wings of Fire saga is back with more thrilling stories to tell. The lost heir is that story, back with more action packed dragons. A great book for young people with a sense of adventure and a likely of fantasy.

Tsunami has finally returned home and could not believe that this was finally happening. Tsunami and her friends desperate for protection finds hope as they journey through the kingdom of their royal friend, Tsunami. The lost heir finally reunite with her mother, Queen Coral, which welcomes her with open wings.

But Tsunami’s return was not quite the way she imagined it. Although her mother welcomes her, others don’t. An assassin is haunting all the heirs of Queen Coral, ruining her kingdom, and has been doing so for years. Coming to the sea kingdom as a heir for protection is a decision that can possibly harm or even bring death to Tsunami and her friends. Betrayal and dark secrets are lurking through the ocean. Will another adventure await or will it be death and suffering for all.




Pen Name essay

Have you ever read a book and looked at the name of the author? You probably have, but was it the author’s real name? It probably never occurred to you, but sometimes authors use pen names or self made names for many purposes. some make up names because they weren’t able to publish books and decided to change their identity. Others made mistakes and wanted a fresh start. Some just wanted to publish more books than they were allowed to.                                                                                                                                                                                 Being an author is not as easy as you think. They go through so many things. It can take an author many months or years to publish one book. Some write their novels based on what they experience in life, what they like, or just their imagination. A lot of them find it easier to use a pen name. Securing their identity, or finding a way to avoid an obstacle and have their novel recognized is probably the reason. “for many writers, turning to a pen name is the only way to get their novels published”(source 1).                                                             When authors chose pen names, they can do many things. Its like being a whole new person. They can adopt different writing styles. They can publish books under a different name. Pen names come with a lot of benefits. The author of Harry Potter, Joanne Rowling, had a hard time publishing her books because she was a women. Apparently, women were not the type to write novels. She adopted a pen name of J.K Rowling and Robert Galbraith. She became rich and is recognized for her talent                                                                                       The limitation on the amount of books authors were able to publish was not the only problem authors were worried about. “some were criticized because of their gender”(source 2), like Joanne Rowling. “Some were embarrassed of their past work”source 2), knowing that they needed to go back and begin with a fresh start. People often make mistakes, and we learn from those mistake. We can not go back in time, but usually the experience teaches a lesson that you won’t forget. Authors can not go back to when they started, but through writing and making novels they found a way that does not involve time traveling, but a way to start fresh, as if they were a whole new person. Of course it is pen names.                                                                                                                                                           Names matter more than you think. It’s important especially for when it comes to writers. For writers, its like being a whole new being. Being able to adopt a different writing style and become a different author is part of the many benefits that comes with a pen name. However, this is not just for authors to use. Many people can find use out of a pen name. It would be good for people that want to secure their identity, as long as it is being use appropriately. Pen names, a whole new you.

My Barrier Essay

Barriers, barriers. Life is not perfect, and somewhere in your life, you encountered a barrier. Well, you would not be the only one. I too, encountered a barrier or obstacle in life, and not just one too. In this essay, i write about the biggest barrier I’ve ever encounter. Things i wish to forget about and leave in the past. Reading this essay would only give you a glimpse of the sorrow i had. It was a whole year of suffering, and to be honest i kept the situations that were personal to myself. It left a mark, but hopefully, it is healing. So go ahead and learn a fraction of what i went to, JUST ONE CLICK!



HungerGames: MockingJay Book Review

4/5 stars

This is my personal opinion about this book. The book was pretty good, but of course, that’s what i expected from reading the previous book. Like the previous books, there’s plenty of bloodshed and violent1delete soon warfare in action. Many characters to survive(keyword: TRY), but many, lets just say were never seen again. Many people were tortured, to the point of insanity. There’s an increasing amount of intensity in the book. Characters are being hunted by big reptilian creatures, going through hell, and fighting in a war for the entertainment of others only to have one survive. The book was exhilarating, frightening for the characters in the book, intense, suspenseful, and surprising. Things I never dreamed of happening in the mockingJay, happened. I read the book and wonder, how can someone be so cruel. However, keep in mind that it is only a science fictional book. In conclusion, this is a great book, and i recommend it for the ages of 12 and up, especially teens.

This book is also recommended for Spongebob!

My favorite sponge

Don’t forget the other books, they have a whole collection for the hunger games series.


Michael Vey Book Review

Michael Vey is a 14 year old dude, who is bullied a lot and known as the schools underdog. Being put in lockers and garbage cans has become like a every day thing, but when Jack and his gang tries to embarrass him after school, Michael finally decided to do something about it.

Anger sends electricity pulsing through his body. The powerful voltage shocks the bullies and leaves them screaming in pain.. But the bullies weren’t the only ones to witness his powers. Michael’s crush, Taylor Ridley, a cheerleader at Meridian High, watches the whole thing.

Michael and his mom have tried hard to keep his unusual ability secret. They moved to a small town in Idaho, and Michael’s mom left a good job at a law firm to become a checker at a supermarket. The only other person who knew that Michael was electric is Ostin, his smart, and slightly(a whole lot) weird friend. Taylor who now witnessed his power, changed a lot of things

Michael avoids Taylor’s persistent questions until she reveals that she also has electrical powers. Taylor can’t conduct electricity the way Michael can, but she can reboot people’s brains, making them temporarily forget what they were doing or saying. She can also read minds.

Taylor, Ostin and Michael formed a club called the Electroclan. They discover that Taylor and Michael were born at the same hospital in Pasadena, Calif., within days of each other. Ostin learns that in the 11 days surrounding their births, 59 babies were born at the Pasadena General Hospital, but only 17 survived. The deaths appear to be linked to a malfunctioning piece of hospital equipment that used a new technology called magnetic electron induction (MEI). Elgen Inc. was conducting research on this technology until a technical malfunction suspended the research.

Taylor and Michael are both contacted by a prestigious school called Elgen Academy, located in Pasadena. They have both won a full scholarship. Neither wants to go, but Elgen Inc. won’t take no for an answer. Taylor’s and Michael’s moms are kidnapped. Michael and Ostin are determined to drive to Pasadena to rescue them, but neither of them owns a car. Jack, the bully from school, does, though.

Michael pays Jack and his henchman Wade $300 to drive them to Pasadena. On the way, he discovers that Jack isn’t really a bad guy — just a victim of poor circumstances. When they arrive at the gated school, Jack and Wade volunteer to help Michael and Ostin break in.

Meanwhile, Taylor is living the high life at Elgen Academy. Having recovered from the indignity of her capture, she learns that she has a twin named Tara. Tara is also electric and has lived at Elgen Academy for almost a decade. She can manipulate the emotions of people around her. Taylor and Tara go on a whirlwind shopping trip and spend thousands of dollars on clothes and jewelry at exclusive shops. She also meets Dr. Hatch, the man in charge at Elgen Academy, and the rest of the electric children, called glows.

Hatch convinces Taylor to reboot a singer in the middle of a song. She feels guilty later. When Hatch insists that she reboot a motorcyclist in the middle of a jump, Taylor refuses.

Taylor is tortured and locked in a cell with several other glows who have defied Hatch. Michael and Ostin break into their cell but are immediately captured, as are Jack and Wade. Hatch offers Michael safe passage for his friends and mother in return for his loyalty, but when Michael learns that he will have to electrocute Wade, he rebels. Hatch locks Michael in cell 25, where he is tortured by Tara, who makes him feel constant fear. However, his powers continue to increase daily.

Michael finally escaped with the help of Zeus, a formerly brainwashed glow that he and Tara convince to turn against Hatch. They rescue the guinea pigs (ordinary humans that Hatch has imprisoned in the basement) including Jack and Wade. Michael defeated Nichelle, and Hatch end up escaping in a helicopter with the glows who remain loyal to him. Michael and his friends decided that they were not done yet, and that they were going to follow Hatch and free Michael’s mom. MORE ADVENTURE AWAITS!!!!

Wings of Fire Book review

The dragonets are coming to save the day.                                                                             By: Tui T. Sutherland                                                                                                                 Published: scholastic                                                                                                                 Money: $6.00 paperback $12.00 hardcover                                                                           Rating: 8.5/10

Book_coverA war has started, and this war between dragons does not seem to stop. There are seven different types of dragons, each with their own unique powers and personalities. There is the Mudwing, Seawing, Skywing, Rain wing, Icewing, Sandwing, and Nightwing.

The Mudwings were  brown and the strongest and biggest of dragons. They can breathe fire if warm. Mudwings born in a red egg were immune to fire. CANT TOUCH THIS

The Seawings are usually blue with aquamarine scales. Their specialty is underwater. They swim like aquaman, can breathe underwater, see in the dark, and create huge waves with their tails. Can not breathe fire.

The Rainwing are able to change colors and apparently could spray dissolving liquid out of their fangs. Usually colorful and known for their beauty not strength. Can not breathe fire.

The Sandwings has a poisonous tip on their tail, and could sting you like a scorpion. They can survive long without water. Usually yellow. Can breathe fire.

The Nightwing blends with the shadows and could apparently predict the future and read minds. Can breathe fire

Skywing are usually red, powerful fighters and breathed fire like a boss

Icewing are light blue, withstand subzero temperature, and exhale the deadly breath of freezing sub zero.

The queen of the Sandwing is dead, and was killed by a mere scavenger (a human). Now there is no leader to rule over this tribe. however, the queen had three daughters who apparently are desperate and greedy for the throne. Burn, blister, and blaze are their names. They allied with other dragons to assure their victory. With the war lasting 20 years, it’s about time someone end it. A prophecy then the_wings_by_ask_the_dragonets-d7faan8emerged. The prophecy said the dragonet of the Mudwing, Skywing, Seawing, Nightwing, and a Sandwing will stop this war. However, after some difficulties, the dead skywing was replaced by a rainwing. Was this meant to happen? After being imprisoned, and protected by the talons of peace under a mountain in the skywing territory, they finally escaped. Now the adventure really begins. The dragons stumbled into problems and eventually found a solution. The dragonets went through hard times and good times. Some met with their own kind, and some met their family. Through all that adventure, they sticked together no matter what. At the end, things went way off the chart. what was happening? was the Nightwing, Morrowseer (also known as the one who created the prophecy, and not a dragonet) on the dragonets side like he was supposed to be, or was he never on their side to begin with. Betrayal is in the mist. Perhaps, there was a betrayer among the dragonets too. I have a feeling that things will once more change drastically for the group of dragons.

From the description above, what was your favorite type of dragon?

  • Mudwing
  • Sandwing
  • Skywing
  • Seawing
  • Rainwing
  • Icewing
  • NightwingNightwing_0003answer in comments please.


I love agriculture!!! hahahaahhahahhaha!!!