N.E.R.D.S Book #5

ATTACK OF THE BULLIES!!!!!! CHARGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

These super powered humans try to fight the bullies. They beat them all! By getting injected by these nanobots, they receive these powers. Braces has the powers of robot appendages to come out of his braces! Now, THATS COOL! The fat kid, Darrel, can shoot glue out of his hands. All their powers put together allowed them to essentially defeat the enemy!

PRICE: $6.42

Author: Micheal Buckley

Artemis Fowl: The Opal Deception

Artemis Fowl (The main character, evil mastermind) is back to do stuff. Like, taking revenge on his major nemesis, Opal Koboi, which I think is the reason why the book book is named “The Opal Deception”. Anyways… Artemis loses his memories about the faeries because of a type of memory erasing machine. Opal is a girl and she is also a genius. She escaped out of prison by cloning herself! Now isn’t that amazing!!! She later chases down Artemis and tries to beat him.

Rating: 5/5!!!

Price: $14.99 (OMG!!)

1 Fact: Artemis is a criminal mastermind.

1 Opinion: Artemis is AWESOME!!

The Maze Runner

4/5 stars

  • Genre: Young adult, science fiction, Apocalyptic fiction
  • Author: James Dashner
  • First published: Oct 06, 2009
  • Adaptations: The Maze Runner (2014)
  • Hardcover: $12.00 in amazon
  • Paperback: $10.19 in amazon

This book was great. At first it was kind of boring, but suspicious at the same time. Thomas was suddenly in a place, without knowing how he got there. He did not even know who he was. I thought it was just him, its like he had a memory lost. Then he meets a few other boys, which also had memory lost. they only knew their names. What was going on? He rose from a green bean to a maze runner. After many intense moments, Thomas lead his squad out of the maze. They needed him, because if it was not for him, the boys there would have been stuck there forever. I don’t want to spoil anymore of the book for you. However, it is a good book.